Electing Democrats in East Nantmeal
All politics is local - we are working in our community to elect representatives who will serve our interests.
The East Nantmeal Democratic Committee is dedicated to fostering an inclusive, vibrant, and participatory democracy, beginning at the local level, and spreading up the ballot. We do this by supporting the election of qualified candidates who share and protect our values to local county, state, and national offices.
We share a common set of values:
Preserving our rural environment: open spaces, clean water, clean air, sustainable farming.
Preserving and sharing our unique historic heritage.
Valuing the voices and respecting the lives of those who share our community.
Preserving and protecting a robust democracy, here and in the nation.
Building and supporting an informed and actively engaged electorate.
Want to get involved?
This is a local movement of volunteers. Whether you’re most comfortable contributing time to help achieve our election goals, money to help us grow, or energy to reach out to voters like you, we need you on our team.
East Nantmeal Democrats have increased Democratic voter turnout and impacted local and national elections.
Sign up to stay in touch.
You’ll the first to know about our activities and events. We regularly communicate with our volunteers about local issues and activities. Providing us with your email will help us stay in touch with you quickly and efficiently, saving us time and money.